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collectionsTable of Contents
- Introduction
- Books and Pamphlets
- Books Translated by Thomas MacGreevy
- Contributions to Books
- Poetry & Translations
- Non-Fiction
- Contributions to Periodicals and Newspapers
- The Advocate
- Art
- Books of the Month
- The Capuchin Annual
- Catholic Digest
- The Connoisseur
- The Criterion
- The Dublin Magazine
- The Echo
- Evening Mail
- The Father Mathew Record
- Formes
- The Gael
- The Gaelic Churchman
- Ireland To-day
- Irish Bookman
- The Irish Builder & Engineer
- The Irish Catholic
- The Irish Democrat
- Irish Independent
- Irish Oil and Colour Trades Review
- The Irish Press
- The Irish Program
- The Irish Rosary
- The Irish Statesman
- Irish Times
- Irish Travel
- Italy Speaks
- The Kerryman
- The Klaxon
- The Leader
- The Listener
- The Nation and Athenaeum
- The New Review
- The New Statesman and Nation
- The Observer
- Old Ireland
- Pictorial
- Prisme des Arts
- Puck Fare
- Revue Anglo-Américaine
- Studies
- The Studio
- Sunday Independent
- The Sunday Times
- TCD: A College Miscellany
- Time and Tide
- The Times Literary Supplement
- transition
- University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies
- Articles About MacGreevy
- Contemporary
- Reviews of
Collected Poems
- Reviews of
Collected Poems of Thomas MacGreevy: An Annotated Edition
The Thomas MacGreevy Bibliography
A Digital Edition
Susan Schreibman
The Thomas MacGreevy
Susan Schreibman
The 2004 version of this bibliography is as complete as is known by the author. Not all texts, however, have been encoded
and linked to
the bibliography. As new texts are encoded, they will be linked to the bibliography and made available on the website.
Many unsigned articles have been ascribed using MacGreevy's papers at Trinity College Dublin. When there is a copy of the
article or book in his papers at TCD (in manuscript, typescript or published form), it is noted by Trinity's document reference
number (four digits) and a document number
(one or two digits) preceded by the notation TCD MS. Any published texts which have been subsequently annotated by MacGreevy is noted by ANNOT. Annotations have not been incorporated
into the texts encoded for this bibliography. The editors gratefully acknowledge the Board of Trinity College Dublin for permission
to cite manuscript reference sources.
Other sources for ascribing unsigned articles are:
TLS/SB The Times Literary Supplement Stock Book. News International plc, London.
TLS/CMS The Times Literary Supplement Contributor Marked Copies. News International plc, London.
When an article has been reprinted, generally only one version has been encoded for this bibliography. Minor textual variations
have not been noted.
All texts are signed Thomas McGreevy or Thomas MacGreevy unless otherwise noted.
Books and Pamphlets
Pomona: Theme for a Ballet in One Act. by Constant Lambert. London: Oxford University Press, 1928.
TS Eliot: A Study. London: Chatto & Windus, 1931.
Richard Aldington: An Englishman. London: Chatto & Windus, 1931.
Poems. London: Heinemann, 1934; reprinted New York: The Viking Press, 1934.
Jack B Yeats: An Appreciation and an Interpretation. Dublin: Victor Waddington, 1945.
Pictures in the Irish National Gallery. Cork: The Mercer Press, 1945; reprinted London: B.T. Batsford, 1946.
Reprinted with minor textual revisions from
The Capuchin Annual.

Illustrations of the Paintings: National Gallery of Ireland. Dublin: National Gallery of Ireland, 1951.
Leonardo da Vinci: 1452-1950. Dublin: 1953.
TCD MS 8015/210-256(Annot) Republished in
The Capuchin Annual.

Address by Thomas MacGreevy on the occasion of his opening of the Exhibition of Paintings by Paul Pouchol in October 1955
at the Victor Waddington Galleries Dublin. Dublin: 1955.
Nicolas Poussin. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1960.
Some Italian Pictures in the National Gallery of Ireland. Dublin: Italian Institute in Dublin, 1963.
Collected Poems. Edited by Thomas Dillon Redshaw Dublin: New Writers Press, 1971.
Collected Poems of Thomas MacGreevy: An Annotated Edition. Edited by Susan Schreibman. Dublin: Anna Livia, 1991; Washington DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1991.
Books Translated by Thomas MacGreevy
Introduction to the Method of Leonardo da Vinci. By Paul Valéry. London: J Rodker, 1929.
Lord Thompson of Cardington: A Memoir and Some Letters. By Marthe Lucie Bibesco. London: Jonathan Cape, 1932.
Lament for the Death of An Upper Class. By Henry de Montherlant. London: John Miles, 1935; reprinted
Perish in Their Pride. New York: Knopf, 1936.
Forbidden Journey from Peking to Kashmir. By Ella K Maillart. London: William Heinemann, 1937; reprinted New York: H Holt, 1937.
Pity for Women. By Henry de Montherlant. London: George Routledge, 1937; reprinted New York: Knopf, 1938.
Contributions to Books
Poetry & Translations
A Little Anthology of Irish Verse. Edited by Lennox Robinson. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1928.
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill, p.7.
The European Caravan: An Anthology of the New Spirit in European Literature. Edited by Samuel Putnam, et. al. New York: Brewer Warren & Putnam, 1931.
Aodh Ruadh O'Domhnaill p.493-95;
Homage to Marcel Proust p.495;
Homage to Jack Yeats p.496;
Golder's Green p.496-97
The Dead Angels By Raphael Alberti. p.407-8;
Punishments By Raphael Alberti. p.408-9;
The False Angel By Raphael Alberti. p.409-10;
Going Out By Jorge Guillén. p.410-11;
The Shadows By Jorge Guillén. p.411;
Sea Fronts By Jorge Guillén. p.411-12;
The dazzling whiteness of my first love] By Juan Ramón Jiménez. p.341;
Remorse By Juan Ramón Jiménez. p.342;
Dream Nocturne By Juan Ramón Jiménez. p.342-43;
The Martyrdom of St Olalla By Federico García Lorca. p.412-414;
At the Burial of a Friend By Antonio Machado. p.338;
The street in shadow] By Antonio Machado. p.339;
Childish Dream By Antonio Machado. p.339-40;
The Loved house] By Antonio Machado. p.340;
The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 1892-1935. Edited by W.B. Yeats. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936.
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill pp.333-34.
Homage to Jack Yeats pp.335-36.
1,000 Years of Irish Poetry: the Gaelic and Anglo-Irish Poets from Pagan Times to the Present. Edited by Kathleen Hoagland. New York: Devin-Adair, 1947.
Homage to Hieronymus Bosch p.704.
Red Hugh p.703.
Gioconda p.706.
Anthology of Irish Verse: The Poetry of Ireland from Mythological Times to the Present. Edited by Padraic Colum. New York: Liveright, 1948.
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill pp.370-71.
The Oxford Book of Irish Verse: XVIIth Century - XXth Century. Edited by Donagh MacDonagh and Lennox Robinson. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958.
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill p.219.
Modern Irish Poetry. Edited by Derek Mahon. London: Sphere Books, 1972.
Homage to Jack Yeats p.56.
Recessional p.57.
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence p.58.
The Faber Book of Irish Verse. Edited by John Montague. London: Faber and Faber, 1974.
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence p.258.
Homage to Hieronymus Bosch p259-60.
Surrealist Poetry in English. Edited by Edward B. Germain. London: Penguin, 1979.
Homage to Hieronymus Bosch p.76.
Contemporary Irish Poetry. Edited by Anthony Bradley. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
De Civitate Hominum p.30.
Aodh Ruadh O'Domhnaill p.31.
Recessional p.33
Homage to Marcel Proust p.34-35.
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence p.35-36.
Poets of Munster. Edited by Seán Dunne. Dingle: Brandon Books, 1985.
De Civitate Hominum p.29.
Homage to Hieronymus Bosch p.31.
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill p.33.
Homage to Marcel Proust p.34
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence p.35.
Gioconda p.37.
On the Death of Joseph Djugashvili alias Stalin p.38.
Contemporary Irish Poetry: New and Revised Edition. Edited by Anthony Bradley. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
De Civitate Hominum p.14.
Aodh Ruadh O'Domhnaill p.15.
Recessional p.17.
Homage to Marcel Proust p.18.
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence p.19.
Modern Irish Poetry: an Anthology. Edited by Patrick Crotty. Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1995.
Homage to Jack Yeats pp.9-11.
The Need for a Gaelic Encyclopaedia.
The Celtic Fellowship New York.
TCD MS 8015/255-56. 8003/4/1-3 A card which reprints MacGreevy's article
The Need for a Gaelic Encyclopaedia.
from The Irish Statesman. 6 September 1924.
George Moore.
Scrutinies by Various Writers. Edited by Edgell Rickword. London: Wishart & Company,
1928 pp.310-30.
The Catholic Element in
Work in Progress
Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress. Paris: Shakespeare & Co,
1929 Reprinted London: Faber and Faber, 1936, pp.117-27. This article was first published in

Fall 1928 under the title
A Note on
Work in Progress
Art Criticism and Science.
Scritti de Storia dell'arte in Onore di Lionello Venturi. Rome: De Luca Editore,
TCD MS 8015/204-7
This article was reprinted in
The Capuchin Annual.

Contribution to
Richard Aldington: An Intimate Portrait. Edited by Alister Kershaw and F.J. Temple. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,
1965 pp.52-64.
Healy Window.
Parish of the Sacred Heart. Dublin: NP,
1966 pp.133-34.
Contributions to Periodicals and Newspapers
The Advocate
The Advocate
Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper. 14 June 1944. p15.
TCD MS 8015/122
Place of Publication: Lleida:
Enric Crous Vidal
'Joan Junyer' [translated into Catalan by Maria Manent] .Vol.8. No.1, May 1934. p245-49.
TCD MS 8006/9
Books of the Month
Books of the Month
Place of Publication: London
'Fires of Beltane' by Geraldine Cummins. July 1936. p35.
TCD MS 8015/45
'Very Heaven' by Richard Aldington. March 1937. p35.
TCD MS 8015/47
The Capuchin Annual
The Capuchin Annual
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Capuchin Franciscan Fathers
Introductory Essay
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill. Vol.13, 1942. p. 55.
Three Historical Paintings by Jack B. Yeats.Vol.13,
1942. pp.238-51.
TCD MS 7994/12 This article was reprinted in
The Capuchin Annual.

Pictures in the National Gallery.Vol.14,
1943 pp.386-443. This article was reprinted in book form in 1945 under the same title

with minor textual revisions.
Michael Healy: Personal Reminiscences.Vol.15,
1944. pp.113-15, 441. There is a note in TCD MS 7994/15 that this was first broadcast on Radio Eireann 5 June 1942. It was republished
The Irish Rosary.

A shorter version appeared in
The Capuchin Annual.

The Historical Background to Irish Art. (Chiefly Architecture) .Vol.15, 1944 pp.241-49.
TCD MS 7994/5; TCD MS 7995/5a,b,c
McCormack in Opera. Vol.16. 1945-46. pp.293-95.
TCD MS 7994/24; TCD MS 7995/24a. This article was reprinted in The Father Mathew Record. November 1945.
For Vincent O'Brien.Vol.16, 1945-46. pp.238-39.
MacGreevy's tribute is one of several to the late Vincent O'Brien.
John McCormack 1884-1945: A Symposium of Tributes. Vol.17, 1946-47. pp.234-35.
Some Statues by John Hogan. Vol.17, 1946-47. pp.422-26.
TCD MS 7994/14; 7995/14a,b,c,d This article was reprinted from
The Father Mathew Record.

August 1943.
St Brendan's Cathedral, Loughrea 1897-1947. Vol.17, 1946-47. pp.353-73.
TCD MS 8002/12a,b,c
Tirconaill Revisited.Vol.17, 1946-47. pp.307-11.
TCD MS 7994/17 This article was reprinted in The Father Mathew Record. April 1946.
Thomas Moore, 1779-1852.Vol.18, 1948. pp.286-93.
F.J. McCormick (Peter C Judge): A Symposium of Tributes.Vol.18, 1948. pp.176, 209-11.
TCD MS 9001/8
MacGreevy's is one of several tributes to the late FJ Mccormick. Others who contributed include Brian Doherty, Gabriel Fallon,
Richard Hayes, Benedict Kiely, TC Murray, and PL McCann.
Fifty Years of Irish Painting: 1900-1950.Vol.19, 1949. pp.497-512.
TCD MS 8002/13,13a
The Teaching of Irish – Comments by....Vol.19, 1949. pp.240-44.
MacGreevy's is one of several contributions.
Homage to Vercingetorix.Vol.20, 1950-51. p.139.
Jubilate.Vol.20, 1950-51. pp.161-68.
Uileachán Dubh O.Vol.21, 1952. pp.211-44.
TCD MS 8015/169
Leonardo da Vinci: 1452-1952.Vol.22. 1953-54. pp.135-54.
TCD MS 7994/2; TCD MS 7995/2a,b This article was reprinted in two parts (December 1952 and January 1953) in
The Father Mathew Record.

It was also reprinted in pamphlet form in June 1953.
The Immaculate Conception in Art.Vol.25, 1958. pp.278-92.
Symposium of Tributes to Margaret Burke-Sheridan.Vol.26, 1959. pp.186-89.
MacGreevy's tribute is one of several. Others who contributed include Leo Clifford and Gutherie McClintic.
Art Criticism and Science.Vol.27, 1960. pp.161-70.
TCD MS 7994/6; 7995/6a,b,c,d,e.f This article was first published in
Scritti de Storia dell'arte in Onore di Lionello Venturi.
Tribute to the Late Monsignor Pádraig de Brún.Vol.28, 1961. pp.371-72.
TCD MS 7997/1
Michelangelo – After Four Centuries.Vol.32, 1965. pp.204-16.
The Lady of Birr .Vol.33, 1966. p384.
Three Historical Paintings by Jack B. Yeats.Vol.33, 1966. pp.385-98. Reprinted from
The Capuchin Annual.

Breton Oracles.Vol.35, 1968. p.280.
Catholic Digest
Catholic Digest
Place of Publication: Dublin
National Publishing Company
'McCormack in Opera. September 1946. pp.16-19.
TCD MS 8015/140-143
The Connoisseur
The Connoisseur
Place of Publication: London
Hearst Corp.
Introductory Essay
Review of
John Sloan. Edited by A.E. Gallatin. Vol.74, No.294. February 1926. p.116.
TCD MS 8013/1
Review of
Ariel: A Shelley Romance. By André Maurois. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.179.
TCD MS 8013/2
Review of
By the Waters of Carthage. By Norma Lorimer. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. pp.179-80.
TCD MS 8013/2
Unsigned: probably by M.
Review of
Die gotische Baukunst in Frankreich und Deutschland. By Ernst Gall. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.180.
TCD MS 8013/2
Review of
Victoria and Albert Museum: Review of the Principal Acquisitions during the Year 1922. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.180.
TCD MS 8013/2
Review of
Hansel and Gretel, and Other Stories by Grimm. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. pp.180,183.
TCD MS 8013/2
Review of
Daphnis and Chloe. Translated by George Thornley. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.183.
TCD MS 8013/3
Review of
Margaret Morris Dancing: a Book of Forty Pictures. By Fred Daniels. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.183.
TCD MS 8013/3
Review of
Sailing Ships at a Glance. By Edward W. Hobbs. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.183.
TCD MS 8013/3
Review of
Prelude to Architecture. By William Godfrey. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.183.
TCD MS 8013/3
Exhibition review
Some Scottish Artists – and Others. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. pp.187-88.
TCD MS 8013/4
Exhibition review
Paintings by Charles Cundall. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.189.
TCD MS 8013/5
Exhibition review
The New Society of Artists. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.189.
TCD MS 8013/5
Exhibition review
The London Group. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.189.
TCD MS 8013/5
Exhibition review
German and Austrian War Posters. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.191.
TCD MS 8013/6
Exhibition Review
At the Leicester Galleries. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. pp.191-92.
TCD MS 8013/6
Reviews of the Herbert Carmichael Show, and Les Peintres-Graveurs Independants' first English exhibition
Exhibition review
Old Coloured Prints. Vol.74, No.295. March 1926. p.192.
TCD MS 8013/6
Current Art Notes. Vol.75, No.299. July 1926. p.186.
TCD MS 8013/7
Short article about James Barry's portrait of Thomas Carlyle
Review of
Mrs Delany. Edited by R. Brimley Johnson. Vol.75, No.299. July 1926. p.179.
TCD MS 8013/9
Exhibition review
An Italianate English Painter. Vol.75, No.300. August 1926. p.257.
TCD MS 8013/10
A review of the Bertram Nicholls exhibition at Barbizon House
Review of
Art Studies: Mediaeval, Renaissance and Modern. Edited by the Members of the Depts of the Fine Arts at Harvard and Princeton Universities. Vol.75, No.300. August 1926. p.243.
TCD MS 8013/11
Irish Broadsheets for Collectors. Vol.76. No.301. September 1926. pp.27-30,33.
TCD MS 8013/12-16
Signed Patrick Shanahan.
Review of
Ingres: His Life and Art. By Frölich-Bume. Vol.77. No.306. February 1927. p.112.
TCD MS 8013/18
Review of
A Short History of Italian Art. By Adolfo Venturi. Vol.77, No.306. February 1927. p.113.
TCD MS 8013/18
Notes: Notes from Paris. Vol.78, No.309. May 1927. p.61.
TCD MS 8013/19
Signed T. McG.
Current Art Notes: Notes from Paris. Vol.78, No.312. August 1927. pp.251-52.
Signed T. McG
The Criterion
The Criterion
Place of Publication: London:
Faber and Faber
Dysert. January 1926. p.94. Reprinted as
Homage to Jack Yeats.in
Poems. Signed L. St. Senan.
The Ballet: The Diaghileff Ballet Season. Vol.2, No.12. July 1925. pp.575-76.
Signed L. St. Senan.
Review of
Héloïse and Abélard. By George Moore. Vol.4, No.2. April 1926. pp.368-72.
TCD MS 8009/28; 8009/28a
Signed L. St. Senan.
The Ballet. Review of
Margaret Morris Dancing. By Margaret Morris and Fred Daniels. June 1926. pp.570-73.
TCD MS 8113/24
Signed L. St. Senan.
The Ballet. Vol. 4, No.4. October 1926. pp.741-45.
Signed L. St. Senan.
Review of
El artista adolescente. By James Joyce. Translated by Alfonso Donado. January 1927. p.158.
TCD MS 8009/33; 8113/26
Review of
Two Plays: Juno and the Paycock; The Shadow of a Gunman. By Sean O'Casey and
The Plough and the Stars: A Tragedy in Four Acts. By Sean O'Casey. Vol.5, No.2. May 1927. p.275.
Signed L. St. S.
Review of
Essays. By Leonard Woolf. August 1927. pp.184-85.
TCD MS 8113/30
Review of
The Marionette. By Edwin Muir. September 1927. pp.284-85.
TCD MS 8113/30
Recent Books. Review of
Les Faux-Monnayeurs: Roman; Journal des Faux-Monnayeurs; Morceaux Choisis; Voyage au Congo: Carnets du Route. By André Gide. Vol.7, No.1. January 1928. pp.65-69.
Review of
François Mauriac et le problème du romancier catholique. By Charles du Bos. Vol. 13, No.52. April 1934. p.522.
TCD MS 8009/12a2; 8009/12
Review of
Ernest Psichari, mon frère. By Henriette Psichari. Vol. 13, No.52. April 1934. pp.523-25.
TCD MS 8009/12a2; 8009/12
Signed T. McG.
Review of
James Joyce. By Louis Golding.
George Moore. By Humbert Wolfe. Vol. 13, No.52. April 1934. pp.525-26.
TCD MS 8009/12a1; 8009/12
Signed T. McG.
Review of
Conversions to the Catholic Church. Compiled by Maurice Leahy. Vol. 13, No.52. April 1934. pp.526-27.
TCD MS 8009/12a1; 8009/12
Signed T. McG.
Review of
Le Pari. By Ramon Fernandez. Vol. 13, No.52. April 1934. p.527.
TCD MS 8009/12a1; 8009/12
Signed T. McG.
Review of
André Gide: Sa vie, son oeuvre. By Léon Pierre-Quint. Vol. 13, No.53. July 1934. pp.707-08.
TCD MS 8009/13
Signed T. McG.
Review of
Essays on History. By Pope Pius XI. Vol. 13, No.53. July 1934. pp708-09.
TCD MS 8009/14 Signed T. McG.
Review of
The Oxford Handbook of Religious Knowledge. Vol. 13, No.53. July 1934. p.709.
TCD MS 8009/15
Signed T. McG.
Review of
The Mystical Doctrine of St John of the Cross. Abridged and translated by David Lewis. Vol. 13, No.53. July 1934. pp.709-10.
TCD MS 8009/16
Signed T. McG.
Review of
A Christian Sociology for To-day. By Maurice B. Reckitt. Vol. 13, No.53. July 1934. p.710.
TCD MS 8009/17
Signed T. McG.
The Dublin Magazine
The Dublin Magazine
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Seumas O'Sullivan
Introductory Essay
The Daemon of French Painting.Vol.2, No.1. August 1924. pp.30-34.
TCD MS 8015/16-18; 8004/8
The Echo
The Echo
Place of Publication: Enniscorthy
McCormack in Opera. 14 September 1946 p.6.
TCD MS 8015/134This article was republished in
The Capuchin Annual.

Evening Mail
Dublin Evening Mail
Place of Publication: Dublin
Mr. Lennox Robinson and Theatre
Critics. [letter to the editor]. 5 December 1924. p.6.
TCD MS 8013/79; 8013/80
The Father Mathew Record
Father Mathew Record and Franciscan Mission Advocate.
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Capuchin Franciscan Fathers
Introductory Essay
The Franciscan Spirit.Vol.35, No.11. November 1941. p.8.
TCD MS 7994/1; 7995/1a; 8014/54(Annot)
Little Films.Vol.36, No.1. January 1942. pp.4-5.
Review of a screening of:
The Coronation of His Holiness Pope Pius XII,
The Father Mathew Centenary Celebrations,
The Easter Sunday, 1941, Parade,
Bombed Areas in Dublin, and
An Irish Pilgrimage to Iona
Art and the City of God.Vol.36, No.5. May 1942. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/21
The Late Alderman Tom Kelly, T.D.Vol.36, No.6. June 1942. pp.5-6.
TCD MS 8014/3; 7994/vii; 8001/6
In Defence of Moore.Vol.36, No.10. October 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/1 (Annot)
The Iconography of Saint Patrick.Vol.37, No.3. March 1943. p.1.
TCD MS 8014/4
Blessed Ignatius of Laconi: Triduum at St. Mary of the Angels, Dublin.Vol.37, No.3. March 1943. p.5.
TCD MS 7994/vii

Edward Martyn: An Irish Catholic Eccentric.Vol.37, No.4. April 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 7994/28; 7995/28a; 8014/5(Annot)
And It's Killarney.Vol.37, No.5. May 1943. pp.2-3.
TCD MS 8014/6-7
Saint Francis de Sales.Vol.37, No.6. June 1943 pp.2-3.
TCD MS 8014/8(Annot)
Patrick Tuohy R.H.A. (1894-1930).Vol.37, No.7. July 1943. p.5.
TCD MS 7994/16; 8014/16
Some Statues by John Hogan.Vol.37, No.8. August 1943. pp.5-6.
TCD MS 7994/14; 7995/14a,b; 8014/59 This article was reprinted in
The Capuchin Annual.

Music. Vol.37, No.12. December 1943. p.4.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed Cantor.
Malachy and Bernard. Vol.37, No.12. December 1943. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/62
St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.Vol.38, No.1. January 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 7994/32 This article was reprinted in a longer version in
The Father Mathew Record.

March 1949.
Music.Vol.38, No.1. January 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed Cantor.

Music.Vol.38, No.2. February 1944. p.6.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed Cantor.

Writers on Art.Vol.38, No.2. February 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8014/9
Máthair Íosa.Review of
The Mother of Jesus. By Father James, O.F.M.Cap. Vol.38, No.2. February 1944. p.5.
TCD MS 8014/10
Music.Vol.38, No.3. March 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8014/10; 7994/vii
Signed Cantor.

Michael O'Clery.Review of
Michael O Clery, Knight-Errant of History. By Fr. Victor Sheppard, O.F.M. Vol.38, No.3. March 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 8014/68
Music.Vol.38, No.4. April 1944.
p.9. Signed Cantor: Possibly by M.

Leonardo's Last Supper.Vol.38, No.4. April 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8014/11
Amhran Dé.Review of
The Music of Life. By Father James, O.F.M.Cap. Vol.38, No.5. May 1944. p.9.
TCD MS 8014/57
Hollywood and Lourdes.Film review of
The Song of Bernadette. Vol.38, No.5. May 1944. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/61
G.K.C. —An English Nationalist.Review of
Gilbert Keith Chesterton. By Maisie Ward. Vol.38, No.6. June 1944. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/63(Annot)
A Great Book: Dr. Rogers' Life of Father Mathew. Review of
Father Theobald Mathew, Apostle of Temperance . By Patrick Rogers. Vol.38, No.7. July 1944. p.6.
TCD MS 8014/13

Beethoven's 'Ninth' in Dublin.Vol.38, No.7. July 1944. pp.4-5.
TCD MS 7994/23; 7995/23a,b; 8014/19
The O'Clery Tercentenary.Vol.38, No.8. August 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 8014/22
Dublin — City of Art.Vol.38, No.9. September 1944. pp.5-6.
TCD MS 8014/14(Annot)
Johnny, I Hardly Knew You!.Review of
March of Time. Vol.38, No.10. October 1944. p.10.
TCD MS 7994/18; 8014/67(Annot)
Review of
Going My Way. Vol.38, No.11. November 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 7994/19; 8014/15
Sandro Botticelli.Vol.39, No.1. January 1945. pp.5,8.
TCD MS 7994/3; 8014/74
Murillo.Vol.39, No2. February 1945. pp.4,6.
TCD MS 7994/9; 7995/9a; 8014/55(Annot)
The Sea-Divided Gael.Vol.39, No.3. March 1945. pp.5-6.
TCD MS 8014/58
Michelangelo.Vol.39, No.4. April 1945. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 7994/7; 7995/a,b,c; 8014/64
To the Taoiseach After the Storm. By Pádraig de Brún. Vol. 39. No.6. June 1945. p.1.
Ireland and the Renaissance.Vol.39, No.6. June 1945. p.3.
TCD MS 8014/17
Let Erin Remember.Vol.39, No.7. July 1945. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/18
Signed T. MacG.
Review of a commemoration dinner for Thomas Moore.
The Great Exhibition. Vol.39, No.7. July 1945. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed M.
Exhibition review of the Jack B. Yeats National Loan Exhibition at the National College of Art.
The Twenty-Fifth of June.Vol.38, No.8. August 1945. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/20
Signed M.
This article describes the mass Sean T O'Kelly attended at the Pro-Cathedral prior to his installation as President of Ireland.
The National Gallery.Vol.38, No.9. September 1945. pp.5-6.
TCD MS 8014/70
Shannon Estuary.Vol.38, No.10. October 1945. p.5.
TCD MS 7994/26
Prince of the Church.Vol.38, No.11. November 1945. p.1.
TCD MS 7994/vii; 8014/21
Obituary for Joseph Cardinal MacRory.
Hardebeck Fund Concert.Vol.38, No.11. November 1945. p.2.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed M.
McCormack in Opera.Vol.38, No.11. November 1945. p.3.
TCD MS 7994/24; 7995/24a; 8014/69 This article was republished in
The Capuchin Annual.

The Dublin Municipal Gallery.Vol.39, No.1. January 1946. pp.4-5.
TCD MS 8014/65-66
Carl Gilbert Hardebeck.Vol.39, No.3. March 1946. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/23 Publication of an Anniversary Broadcast on Radio Eireann, 10 February 1946.
Tirconaill Revisited.Vol.39, No.4. April 1946. p.2-3, 11.
TCD MS 7994/17; 8014/24-25
Laurence Campbell, Sculptor.Vol.39, No.5. May 1946. p.4.
TCD MS 8014/26-27; 7994/vii
Signed T. MacG.

Hardebeck Concerts.Vol.39, No.6. June 1946. p.4.
TCD MS 8014/28(Annot); 7994/vii
Signed Cantor.
Catholic Thinkers.Review of
Perennial Philosophers. By Arhur H. Ryan. Vol.39, No.8. p.5.
TCD MS 8014/60
Archbishop Stepinac.Vol.39, No.11. November 1946. p.1.
TCD MS 8014/29(Annot)

India and its Missions.Vol.39, No.11. November 1946. pp.1-2.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed C.
Carl Hardebeck.Vol.40, No.3. March 1947. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/30
Velazquez.Vol.40, No.4. April 1947. p.3-4.
TCD MS 7994/8; 7995/81; 8014/32(Annot)
A Musical Recital.Vol.40, No.4. April 1947. p.4.
TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed: Cantor.

A Review.Review of
Legionaries of Christ. By Arthur Ryan. Vol.40, No.5. May 1947. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/34; TCD MS 7994/vii
Signed: T. MacG.

Buite's Monastery.Review of
Monasterboice. By R.A.S. Macalister. Vol.40, No.8. August 1947. p.3.
Homes of Tipperary.Review of
Roscrea, Town and Parish. By Dermot F Gleeson. Vol.40, No.9. pp.3-4.
Dante —and Modern Ireland.Vol.41, No.1. January 1948. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 7994/4; 8014/37(Annot)
Cathal O'Byrne, Dublinman.Review of
Ashes on the Hearth. By Cathal O'Byrne. Vol.41, No.5. May 1948. p.11.
TCD MS 8014/38
Signed: T. MacG.
Art Criticism, and a Visit to Paris.Vol.41, No.9. September 1948. pp.4-8.
TCD MS 7994/29; 8014/71-72(Annot)
The Capuchin Order in Kilkenny.Vol.41, No.12. December 1948. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/39(Annot)

St. Patrick's College, Maynooth.Vol.42, No.3. March 1949. pp.1-2. This was first published in a shorter form in
The Father Mathew Record.

January 1944.
Seanin and Seoirsin.Vol.42, No.6. June 1949. p.3.
TCD MS 8014/41(Annot)
Signed Danny Boy.

How Does She Stand? .Vol.42, No.9. September 1949. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 7994/21; 7995/a,b; 8014/42(Annot)
Joseph O'Connor's 'Norwayman'.Review of
The Norwayman .By Joseph O'Connor. Vol.42, No.10. October 1949. p.6.
TCD MS 8014/43
Marie Germaine Stockley.Vol.43, No.1. January 1950. pp.4-5.
TCD MS 7994/20; 7995/20a; 8014/45
The Late President of All Hallows. Vol.43, No.2. February 1950. pp.3-4.
TCD MS 8014/46
Father O'Donnell
A New Catholic Review.Review of Vol.1, No.1. of
The Furrow. March 1950. p.8.
Signed. T. McG.

The Consecration of a Bishop.Vol.43, No.10. October 1950. p.2.
TCD MS 8014/47
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy.
Review of Father Phelim's consecration as Bishop of Hierocaesarea
Sacerdos Magnus.Vol.43, No.12. December 1950. pp.14-15.
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy.
The article is about the life and work of Archbishop Mulligan, Archbishop of Deli-Simla.
Bernard Shaw.Vol.44, No.3. March 1951. p.4.
TCD MS 7994/31; 7995/31a,b,c; 8014/48(Annot)
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy.
There is a note on TCD MS 7994 that this article was written at the invitation of P. Maguire and broadcast on Radio Eireann
before publication in the
Father Mathew Record
Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1952.Part I. Vol.45, No.12. December 1952. pp.6-7.
TCD MS 7994/2; 7995/2a,b; 8014/49
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland. This was originally a paper read before The
Royal Irish Academy on the occasion of the Leonardo Quincentenary. It was previously published in pamphlet form and in
The Capuchin Annual.

Leonardo da Vinci.Part II. Vol.46, No.1. January 1953. pp.1-3.
TCD MS 7994/2; 7995/2a,b; 8014/50
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland.
Maud Gonne MacBride.Vol.46, No.6. June 1953. pp.1-3.
TCD MS 7994/22; 7995/22a; 8014/52
Signed Chevalier Thomas MacGreevy.
Place of Publication: Paris:
Éditions des quatre chemins
Review of Burgine Exhibition. No.11. January 1931. p.15.
The Gael
The Gael
Place of Publication: Dublin:
The Gael Co-operative Printing, Publishing and Trading Society
Painting in Modern Ireland: The Rise of the National School. Vol. 1. No.18. 22 February, 1922. p.19.
The Gaelic Churchman
The Gaelic Churchman
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Irish Guild of the Church
Religious Art and Modern Ireland. Vol.3. No.2. April 1922. pp.128-29.
TCD MS 8015/7; 8002/18)
Ireland To-day
Ireland To-day
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Introductory Essay
Apropros of the National Gallery. Vol.1, No.11. November 1936. pp.52-57.
This is a response to John Dowling's article on the National Gallery which appeared in
Ireland To-Day December 1936.
New Dublin Poetry. Review of
Intercessions. By Denis Devlin. Vol.2, No.10.October 1937. pp.81-82.
Also mentions Samuel Beckett's
Echo's Bones
Fiction: Peace is Growth. Review of
The Farm by Lough Gur. By Mary Carbery. Vol.2, No.11. November 1937. pp.85-86.
Irish Bookman
Irish Bookman
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Count Your Blessings. August 1946. pp.43-52. Vol.1, No.2.
TCD MS 8015/186-91
Irish Historical Painting. September 1946. pp.74-76. Vol.1, No.2.
Henri Duparc. April-May 1947. pp.74-78. Vol.2, No.1.
The O'Connell Mass. September 1947. pp.57-59. Vol.2, No.2.
The Irish Builder & Engineer
The Irish Builder & Engineer
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Sackville Press
The New Parish Church at Lusk. 21 March 1925. p230. Vol. LXVII, No.6.
TCD MS 8015/48
The Irish Catholic
The Irish Catholic
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Review of the Capuchin Annual(1944). 19 October 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/126
The Irish Democrat
The Irish Democrat
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Progressive Publications Society Ltd.
George Guelph Leaves St Stephen's Green. 12 June 1937. p2. Vol. No.12.
TCD MS 8015/48
A National Portrait Gallery...? . 3 July 1937. p3. Vol. I. Vol. 12.
TCD MS 8015/49
Irish Independent
Irish Independent
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Independent Newspapers, Ltd
Irish Achievement in Stained Glass: Mr Harry Clarke's Work. 24 July 1923. p4.
TCD MS 8015/12(Annot); 8002/1
Rummel Concert Programme. 16 February 1924. p6.
TCD MS 8015/13
Native Movement in Church Decoration. 29 August 1924. p4.
TCD MS 8015/14; 8002/2,2a
Irish Oil and Colour Trades Review
Irish Oil and Colour Trades Review
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Irish Church Decoration. September 1924. p.177.
TCD MS 8015/15(Annot)
The Irish Press
The Irish Press
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Irish Press
A Great Christian Drama for Irish Players. 28 December 1932. pp.6,11.
TCD MS 8015/29-30; 10381/206
Review of
Impressions of South America. By André Siegfried. 3 April 1933. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/31
Review of
Peter Abelard. By Helen Waddell. 5 June 1933. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/32
Review of
Claude Debussy: His Life and Work. By Léon Vallas. 26 June 1933. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/33
Review of
Three French Dramatists. By AA Tilley. 1 August 1933. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/34
The French Press. [letter to the editor] 22 August 1933. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/35
Review of
Essays in History. By Pope Pius XI. 17 April 1934. p.6.
TCD MS 8015/38
A Plea for Irish Orchestral Music. 6 March 1935. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/42
European Songs in Irish. 27 February 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/92
Water-Colours and Oils. 1 March 1946. p.4-5.
International Exhibition of Modern Art: Yeats in Venice. 12 July 1962. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/153
Yeats in Venice II: O Bello! Bello!. 13 July 1962. p.8.
Letter to the Editor. 1 May 1963. pp.9-10.
TCD MS 8015/154-5
Signed Kerry Catholic
How Great Artists Saw the Passion (1): This Most Tender Image . 23 March 1964 p.8.
TCD MS 8015/159
How Great Artists Saw the Passion (2): In the House of Martha and Mary. 24 March 1964. p.10.
TCD MS 8015/160
How Great Artists Saw the Passion (3): Suffering Innocence Under the Lash. 25 March 1964. p.10.
TCD MS 8015/161
How Great Artists Saw the Passion (4): 'Behold the Man' . 26 March 1964. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/1
How Great Artists Saw the Passion (5): The Dreadful Tragedy, its Joyful Climax. 27 March 1964. p.10.
TCD MS 8015/163
Review of
The Hermitage, Leningrad: Dutch and Flemish Masters; Dutch Painting (Art of the Western World series). 7 November 1964. p.4.
TCD MS 8009/11; 8015/164
The Irish Program
The Irish Programme
Place of Publication: Dublin
Drifters at the Abbey Theatre. October 1920. p.6.
TCD MS 8169/2
The Irish Rosary
The Irish Rosary
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Dominican Fathers
Michael Healy, Stained Glass Artist. September-October 1942. pp.497-505 .
TCD MS 7994/15; 7995/15a,b,c,d,e,f,g This article was first broadcast on Radio Eireann 5 June 1942. It was published in an expanded version for
The Irish Rosary. and in a more abbreviated form in
The Capuchin Annual..
The Irish Statesman
The Irish Statesman
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Criticism in Ireland. [letter to the editor] Vol.I, No.2. 16 August 1919. pp.201-2.
TCD MS 8010/7
Signed T. McGreevy.
Daniel Corkery — Dramatist. Vol I. No.16. 11 October 1919. pp.384-85.
TCD MS 8010/1-2(Annot)
Signed TGM.
The Churches and Social Reform. Review of
The Social Expression of Christianity. By David Watson. Vol. II, No.29. 10 January1920. pp.41-42.
TCD MS 8010/3(Annot)
Gamecocks Of History. Review of
The Cockpit of Europe. By A.R. Hope Moncrieff. Vol.II, No.40. 27 March 1920. pp.306-7.
TCD MS 8010/4-5Annot)

Plain Speaking. [letter to the editor] 24 April 1924. pp.405-06.
Stage Struck. Review of
Problems of the Playwright. By Clayton Hamilton Vol.II, No.52. 19 June 1920. p.596.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Art and the Craft. [letter to the editor] Vol.I, No.4. 6 October 1923. pp.111-12.
TCD MS 8010/18-1
Signed Amateur
Saint Joan. [letter to the editor] Vol.II, No.21. 2 August 1924. pp.658,660.
TCD MS 8010/6-7(Annot); 8101/20-1
The Need for a Gaelic Encyclopaedia. Vol.II, No.26. 6 September 1924. p.824.
TCD MS 8010/24; 8003/4
Ronsard. Vol.III, No.2. 20 September 1924. pp.48,50.
TCD MS 8009/1; 8010/22-23
A New Actor. Review of
The Merchant of Venice. Vol.III, No.4. 4 October 1924. p.116.
TCD MS 8010/25
Review of
Restoration Comedy, 1660-1720. By Bonamy Dobrée. Vol. III, No.5. 11 October 1924. p.150.
TCD MS 8010/26
Signed T McG.
Pictures by Nathaniel Hone. [letter to the editor] Vol.3 No.6. 18 October 1924. pp.172-73.
TCD MS 8010/8-11 (Annot); 8010/4
The Need for a Gaelic Encyclopaedia. [letter to the editor] Vol.III, No.8. 6 September 1924. p.824.
TCD MS 8010/24; 8003/4
Beethoven as Operatic Composer. The Revival of
. Vol.III, No.11. 22 November 1924. p.335.
TCD MS 8010/12
Stained Glass at An Tur Gloine. Vol.III, No.14. 13 December 1924. p.435.
An Irish Sixteenth Century Painter. Vol.III, No.17. 3 January 1925. pp.535-36.
TCD MS 8010/28; 8002/3a,b,c
This article is about Laebhar Breac.
The Gaelic and the Anglo-Irish Culture. [letter to the editor] Vol.III, No.26. 7 March 1925. pp.816-17.
TCD MS 8099/81a
The New Parish Church at Lusk. Vol.III, No.26. 7 March 1925. pp.820-21.
TCD MS 8010/13-14 (Annot])
Mr John Barrymore's Hamlet. Vol.IV, No. 8. 2 May 1925. pp.240-41.
Exhibitions. Review of The Water-Colour Society at Mills Hall. Vol.IV, No.10. 16 May 1925. p.308.
TCD MS 8005/2; 8010/29
Signed T McG
The Round Table in London. Vol.IV, No.11. 23 May 1925. pp.340,342.
TCD MS 8010/30-1
An Irish Russian Dancer. Review of
The House Party . Vol.IV, No.15. 20 June 1925. p.464.
TCD MS 8010/32
A Lytton Strachey Play. Review of
The Son of Heaven. Vol.IV, No.19. 18 July 1925. pp.596,598
TCD MS 8010/33-34; 8084/11-13
Our Picture Collections.Vol.IV, No.24. 22 August 1925. pp.757-58,60.
TCD MS 8010/36-37; 8002/22,22a
Aodh Ruadh O Domhnaill. Vol.VI, No.8. 1 May 1926. pp.204-5. Signed L St Senan.
Death of Milo
. [letter to the editor] Vol.VI, No.12. 29 May 1926. p.327.
TCD MS 8010/38
Nocturne of the Self-Evident Presence. Vol. VII, No.3. 25 September 1926. pp.57-58. Signed L St Senan.
Art and the National Schools. [letter to the editor] Vol.VII, No.6. 16 October 1926. pp.131-32.
TCD MS 8010/39
Reason and Romanticism. [letter to the editor] Vol.VII, No.6. 25 December 1926. pp.379-80.
TCD MS 8010/41
Written in response to book review of Herbert Read's
Reason and Romanticism By JMH.
The Iveagh Art Collection. [letter to the editor] Vol.IX, No.9. 19 November 1927. p251.
Alsace. [letter to the editor] Vol. X. No.16. 23 June 1928. pp.309-10.
Anna Livia Plurabelle. [letter to the editor] Vol.XI, No.24. 16 February 1929. pp.475-77.
Written in response to Sean O'Faolain's Letter to the editor of 5 January 1929, which was written in response to YO's review
of the book 29 December 1928.
The Other Dublin. Vol. XII, No.16. 22 June 1929. p.309.
Irish National Anthem. [letter to the editor] Vol.XII, No.19. 13 July, 1929. pp.371-72.
French Realism. [letter to the editor] Vol.XIII, No.4. 28 September 1929. p.70.
Nocturne, St Eloi, 1929. Vol. XIII, No.4. 28 September 1929. p.69.
Garrisons. [letter to the editor] Vol.XIII, No.8. 26 October 1929. p.150.
A County Kerry Operatic Tenor . Vol.XIII, No.22. 1 February 1930. pp.437-38.
TCD MS 8010/16(Annot)
Catherine Hayes
Irish Times
Irish Times
Place of Publication: Dublin:
The Irish Times
Review of
The Cloister. 16 March 1925. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/19
Staged by the Dublin Drama League.
Mainie H. Jellett Exhibition. 21 November 1941. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/57
Evie Hone Exhibition. 27 November 1941. p.4.
TCD MS 8015/58
Contemporary Irish Artists: Exhibition of Noted Works. 6 December 1941. p.9.
TCD MS 8015/59)
Organised by The Academy of Christian Art. Including works by Evie Hone, John Keating, Sean O'Sullivan, Mainie Jellett and
Maurice MacGonigal.
Art of Frances Kelly: Varied Exhibition. 10 December 1941. p.3.
Art Exhibitions in Dublin. 16 December 1941. p.4.
Pictures by James Conway, Gerald Donnelly, Maurice McGonigal.
The Art of Julius Olsson. 22 December 1941. p.6.
TCD MS 8015/168
Art Students' Exhibition: Some Promising Works. 9 January 1942. p.4.
TCD MS 8015/90
Pictures by members of the Students' Society at the National College of Art.
An Art Centenary — Michelangelo's
Last Judgment
. 3 January 1942. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/60
Gerard Dillon Exhibition: Some Dramas in Colour.24 February 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/61
Isabel and Mary Odell Exhibition: Two Artists Work Compared. 3 February 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/62
Dublin Painters' Exhibition: Expressing Irish Ideas. 6 February 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/63
Exhibition of The Dublin Painters' Society.
An Exhibition of Water Colours. 24 March 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/64
Exhibition of The Water-colour Society.
Royal Hibernian Academy Exhibition (First Notice). 30 March 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/65
Royal Hibernian Academy Exhibition (Second Notice). 31 March 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/66
Review of
Curtain Up. By Lennox Robinson. 4 April 1942. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/67; 8009/8
Signed F McG.
Review of
Studies. 11 April 1942. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/68
Signed T McG.
Volume XXXI.
Art Exhibitions in Dublin. 14 April 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/69
Works by Lamb, Maurice Wilks, K. O'Brien.
Elizabeth Rivers's Exhibition. 28 April 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/70
Pat Wallace Exhibition. 5 May 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/71
Stained Glass Art: Evie Hone's
St. Brigid
. 19 May 1942. p.2.
TCD MS TCD 8015/72
Phantasy in Painting: A Modernist Exhibition. 21 May 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/73
Michael Scott's work.
Thomas Carr Exhibition. 29 May 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/74
An Irishman's Diary: High Bids. 1 July 1942. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/76

New Stained Glass. 6 July 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/77
Work from the Harry Clarke Studio.
Dublin Painters: Effects of Poetry. 3 October 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/78
Annual Dublin Painters' Exhibition.
Rouault. 8 October 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/79
The rejection of a painting by Georges Rouault by the Dublin Municipal Gallery.
Harry Kernoff Exhibition: The Pictorial Eye. 8 October 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/79
A Dublin Painter: Work of Mr. G.W. Yeates. 9 October 1942. p.3.
Carmel Flynn Exhibition: Decorative Effects. 14 October 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/81
Howard Knee Exhibition: Colourful Effects. 2 October 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/82
Dublin Sketching Club: A Varied Exhibition. 4 November 1942. p.3.
Art Exhibition: Decorative Realism. 6 November 1942. p.3.
A Varied Talent: Mabel Young's Art. 9 November 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/83
Patrick Hennessy's Exhibition. 10 November 1942. p.3.
Art Exhibitions: Pictures and Stained Glass. 17 November 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/84
Spanish Painting: Valesquez . 19 November 1942. p.3.
Nano Reid Exhibition: A Stylist in Art. 27 November 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/86
Dublin Stage Designs. 3 December 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/107
Paintings and Sculpture. 14 December 1942. p.2.
Drawings and Painting. 15 December 1942. p.3.
Irish Art Workers Annual Exhibition. 16 December 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/87
Music in Cork. 17 December 1942. p.5.
Sean Dixon Exhibition: Light and Colour. 17 December 1942. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/88
Pictorial Record of Old Ireland. 6 January 1943. p.2.
Lawrence Collection of photographs purchased by the National Library of Ireland.
Art Exhibitions: Two Women Painters. 20 January 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/91
Brigid Ganly and Kitty Wilmer O'Brien
A Distinguished Painter: Mary Swanzy Exhibition. 19 March 1943. p.3.
A Lively Exhibition: Water-Colour Society. 30 March 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/116

Grace Henry's Art: An Enchanting Exhibition. 2 April 1943. p.3.
Dorothy Blackham Exhibition. 7 April 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/93
Royal Hibernian Academy: An Exclusive Exhibition. 19 April 1943. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/94

Art Exhibitions. 13 May 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/95
Nick Nicholls.
RHA Revisited. 13 May 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/95

Nano Reid. 13 May 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/95

Moyra Barry's Art. 15 May 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/96
Art Exhibition. 18 May 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/97
Stephen Gilbert
Stained Glass Art. 20 May 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/43
Evie Hone
Art Exhibition. 26 May 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/99
Rolli Roland
First Exhibition by Young Painter. 4 June 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/100
Review of Rosemary Coyle Exhibition
Art Exhibitions. 13 July 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/101
Exhibition of water-colours and stained glass including works by Yvonne Barry, Evie Hone and Father Hanlon.
Irish Art.17 July 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/102
Signed T McG.
Review of Studies, June, 1943.
Obituary of Sara Purser. 9 August 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/103
Somerville — Artist. 9 September 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/104
On a panting by EO Somerville in the Dublin Municipal Gallery.
Living Art — A New Departure. 16 September 1943. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/105
Exhibition of Living Art Revisited. 1 October 1943. p.3.
Review of
Norah McGuinness's Exhibition. 8 October 1943. p.3.
Art Exhibitions. 14 October 1943. p.3.
Fergus O'Ryan
Ralph Cusack's Pictures. 23 October 1943. p.4.
Letitia Hamilton Exhibition. 26 October 1943. p.3.
The Art of Jack B Yeats. 6 November 1943. p.4.

Art Exhibition. 13 November 1943. p.5.
Mabel Young, Patrick Hennessey
Art Exhibitions. 25 November 1943. p.3.
Simon Coleman and Harry Cummins; Lyn Hope
Art Exhibition. 27 November 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/106
Gaetano de Gennaro
Art Exhibitions in Dublin. 6 December 1943. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/108
Eva H Hamilton, Gerard Dillon and Daniel O'Neill
Subjective Art. 5 January 1944. p.3.
Signed T McG.
Recalls and praises an exhibition in 1924 of Hone and Jellett showing what Irish artists could do with the Paris avant-garde.
The present exhibition has works by Doreen Vanston, Patrick Scott, Ralph Cusack.
Art Exhibition. 10 Febuary 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/111
Maurice Wilks
Mainie Jellett: An Appreciation. 17 Febuary 1944. p.3.
Signed T.McG.
An Irishman's Diary: Mrs Bernard Shaw. 18 February 1944. p.3.
About a conversation between MacGreevy and Mrs Shaw while watching the funeral of Michael Collins. Mentions Lady Gregory
Art Exhibition. 24 February 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/112
Exhibition of the Dublin Painter's Society. Discusses Nano Reid and Mainie Jellettin more detail.

Dublin Art Exhibitions. 26 February 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 015/113
About stained glass exhibition by K O'Brien who takes over An Tur Gloine following death of Sarah Purser; Helen and George
Pennefather water-colours; paintings by Rolli Roland

Modern Art Exhibition. 8 March 1944. p.3.
National Concert of Art Exhibition of Modern Christian Masters; notes death of Sarah Purser; bequest by Mrs George Bernard
Art Exhibitions. 10 March 1944. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/114
Mary Swanzy, Tom Nizbet
Art Exhibition. 15 March 1944. p.3.
The Water Colour Society
Art Exhibition. 23 March 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/115
May Power, Norah McCartan, Heinz Grau

Naomi Heather's Drawings. 5 April 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 8015/117
MacGonigal's Art. 15 April 1944. p.5.
TCD MS 8015/118
Art Exhibtion. 15 April 1944. p.unknown
TCD MS 8015/119
Nano Reid's Art. 20 April 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/120
Royal Hibernian Academy: Good Portraits. 24 April 1944. p.3.

Mainie Jellett. May 31 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/121
Art from the Continent: Dublin Exhibition (Part I). 11 August 1944. p.3.
Art from the Continent: Dublin Exhibition (Part II). 12 August 1944. p.3.
Art Exhibition in Dublin. 14 September 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/123
Review of Living Art Exhibition
Yvonne Jammet Exhibition. 21 September 1944. p.4.
TCD MS 8015/124

Kernoff's Killarney. 26 September 1944. p.3.
Review of
Father Hanlon's Paintings. 29 September 1944. p.2.
TCD MS 8015/101
Nora McGuinness's Exhibition. 8 October 1944. p.?.
TCD MS 8015/125
Oireachtas Art Exhibition. 23 October 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/127
Signed Our Art Correspondent.

Art Exhibition. 26 October 1944. p.3.
Carmel Flynn Exhibition
Art Exhibition. 2 November 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/128
Review of John Piper Exhibition
A Cork Modern. 3 November 1944. p.2.
Sylvia Cooke-Collis Exhibition
Art Exhibitions. 9 November 1944. p.3.
Review of Margaret Stokes Exhibition
William Conor's Art. 21 November 1944. p.3.
TCD MS 8015/129
Irish Art Exhibition: Loan Show's Big Success. Irish Review and Annual: 1944 Supplement to Irish Times. p.54.
TCD MS 8015/130
May Guinness's Pictures. 17 February 1946. p.?.
TCD MS 8015/132

Water Colours and Oils. 1 March 1946. p.?.
TCD MS 8015/133
A Yeats Memorial. 23 September 1952. p.9.
TCD MS 8015/143
Letters to the Editor, Gallery and Museum. 28 January 1959. p.5.
Murillo Purchases by the National Gallery. [letter to the editor] 1 May 1962. p.9.
TCD MS 8015/151
Irish Travel
Irish Travel
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Irish Tourist Association
A Stained Glass Tour. May 1942. pp.135-36
TCD MS 8015/75
Italy Speaks
Italy Speaks
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Monsignor Padraig de Brun. Vol.1, No.3. July 1960. pp.8-9.
TCD MS 8015/271-2
The Kerryman
The Kerryman
Place of Publication: Tralee:
Tributes to the Late Daniel Flavin. 5 March 1955. p.12.
TCD MS 8015/144
The Klaxon
The Klaxon
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Introductory Essay
Picasso, Mamie [sic] Jellett and Dublin Criticism.Vol.1, No.1. Winter 1923-24. pp.23-27.
TCD MS 8015/192-4(Annot); 8002/8; 10381/205(Annot)
The Leader
The Leader
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Irish Stained Glass. 23 December 1922. pp.496-97. Vol XLV. No. 20.
TCD MS 8015/9-10(Annot); 8002/17
The Listener
The Listener
Place of Publication: London:
British Broadcasting Corporation
The Eastlakes and Lord Lindsay. [letter to the editor] 28 July 1949. Vol.XLII. No. 1070. pp.151-52.
TCD MS 8015/139
The Nation and Athenaeum
The Nation and Athenaeum
Place of Publication: London:
The Nation, Ltd.
[a section or sections in From Alpha to Omega.] 27 June 1925. p.400.
TCD MS 8012/1 Unsigned.
[perhaps paragraph beginning 'I have never seen such enthusiasm in the audience at the Coliseum as there was last Monday at
the end of the new Diaghileff ballet
Les Matelots. in From Alpha to Omega.] 4 July 1925. pp.428-29.
TCD MS 8012/2; 8081/8 Unsigned.
Review of
The Character of John Dryden. By Alan Lubbock and
Dryden. By David Nichol Smith. 25 July 1925. p.519.
TCD MS 8012/3; 8084/4; 7-9 Unsigned.
Review of
The Czarina. By Melchlor Lengyel in From Alpha to Omega. 1 August 1925. p.544.
TCD MS 8012/4; 8084/16 Unsigned.
Review of
The Tree of the Folkungs. By Verner von Heidenstam and
The Mistress of Husaby. By Sigrid Undset. 29 August 1925. p.653.
TCD MS 8012/5-6 Unsigned.
[a section or sections in From Alpha to Omega.] 26 September 1925. p.764.
TCD MS 8012/7 Unsigned.
Review of
The Limpet. By Vernon Woodhouse in From Alpha to Omega. 3 October 1925. p.17.
TCD MS 8012/8; 8081/16 Unsigned.
[on the Lane pictures] in From Alpha to Omega.] 10 October 1925. p.55.
TCD MS 8081/9-10 Unsigned.
Review of
The Translator of Dante. By R.W. King. 17 October 1925. pp.122,124.
TCD MS 8012/10-11 Unsigned.
A biography of H.F. Cary.
Review of
Of Aucassin and Nicolette. Translated by Laurence Housman. 24 October 1925. p.152.
TCD MS 8012/13; 8081/12-13 Unsigned.
Review of
Fastus. By Marlowe in From Alpha to Omega. 7 November 1925. p.209.
TCD MS 8012/13; 8081/23 Unsigned.
Review of
Reminiscences of a Maynooth Professor. By Walter MacDonald;
Brigham Young. By M.R. Werner;
Life and Letters of William Boyd Carpenter. By H.D.A. Major;
Arnold Thomas of Bristol: Collected Papers and Addresses . With a Memoir by Nathaniel Micklem;
Grover Cleveland. By Robert McElroy;
The Farington Diary. By Joseph Farington;
Inland Far. By Clifford Bax
. By Joseph Farington;
Inland Far . By W. Shaw Sparrow. 14 November 1925. pp.250-52.
TCD MS Unsigned.
Review of
The Dark Angel. By Guy Bolton in From Alpha to Omega. 14 November 1925. p.259.
TCD MS 8012/16; 8081 Unsigned.
Review of
Miniatures of French History. and
The French Revolution. By Hilaire Belloc. 28 November 1925. p.328.
TCD MS 8012/17; 8081/228-33 Unsigned.
Review of
The Dramatist. By Frederick Reynolds in From Alpha to Omega. 5 December 1925. p.352.
TCD MS 8012/18 Unsigned.
Boys Books. 5 December 1925. p.375-76.
TCD MS 8012/19-20 Unsigned.
A survey of books for boys
[a section or sections in From Alpha to Omega.] 12 December 1925. p.402.
TCD MS 8012/21 Unsigned.
Review of either
Elnovia. By Geoffrey Faber or
The Lives of the Rakes. Vol.VI by E. Beresford Chancellor 26 December 1925. pp.474,76.
TCD MS 8012/22 Unsigned.
Review of
The Life and Times of Bishop Ullathorne. By Dom Cuthbert Butler. 13 March 1926. pp.818,820.
TCD MS 8012/24 Unsigned.
[the transfer of
Mr Pepys. from the Hampstead to the Royalty] in From Alpha to Omega.] 20 March 1926. p.861.
TCD MS 8012/26 Unsigned.
Review of
The Cathedrals and Churches of Italy. By T. Francis Bumpus. 24 April 1926. p.106.
TCD MS 8012/27 Unsigned.
Ireland. 1 May 1926. p.152.
TCD MS 8012/28 Unsigned.
Review of
Short Talks with the Dead and Others. By Hilaire Belloc. 22 May 1926. p180.
TCD MS 8012/29 Unsigned.
Review of
Short Talks with the Dead and Others. By Herbert Spencer. 19 June 1926. p325-26.
TCD MS 8012/31 Unsigned.
Review of
Here's Ireland. By Harold Speakman. 14 August 1926. p563.
TCD MS 8012/32 Unsigned.
Review of
Raffles, 1781-1826. By R. Coupland. 21 August 1926. p.590
TCD MS 8012/33 Signed T. McG.
Review of
A Dawdle in France. By Inglis Sheldon-Williams. 2 October 1926. p.774.
TCD MS 8012/34 Unsigned.
Review of
The Painter's Methods and Materials. By A.P. Laurie;
The Art of Drawing. By H.M. Bateman;
From Giotto to John. By N. Wethered;
Hours in the Tate Gallery. By J.B. Manson;
Hours in the Wallace Collection. By Philip Hendy. 13 November 1926. pp.228,230.
TCD MS 8012/35 Unsigned.
Review of
The Elizabethan Zoo: A Book of Beasts both Fabulous and Authentic. Edited by St Clare Byrne 13 November 1926. p.242.
TCD MS 8012/37 Unsigned.
Books for Boys. 4 December 1926. pp.358,360.
TCD MS 8012/38 Unsigned.
A survey of books for boys.
Review of
The Beauties of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated and chosen by Thomas Watson Duncan; and
The Minor Poems of Dante. Translated by Lorna De'Lucchi. 1 January 1927. p.486.
TCD MS 8012/40 Unsigned.
Review of
On the Poems of Henry Vaughan: Characteristics and Intimations. By Edmund Blunden. 21 May 1927. p.222.
TCD MS 8012/41 Unsigned.
Review of
Flemish Art: A Critical Survey. By Roger Fry. 13 August 1927. p.643.
TCD MS 8009/36 Unsigned.
The New Review
The New Review
Place of Publication: Paris
Translation of
The Dead Angel. By Raphael Alberti. May-June-July 1931. p.109.
Translation of
Punishments. By Raphael Alberti. May-June-July 1931. pp.109-10.
Translation of
The False Angel. By Raphael Alberti. May-June-July 1931. p.110-11.
Review of
The Flowering Stone. By George Dillon. Vol I. No.2. April 1932. pp.93-94.
TCD MS 8009/20
Signed T. McG.
Review of
Le Sang de'un Poete. Directed by Jean Cocteau. Vol I. No.2. April 1932. pp.93-95.
TCD MS 8001/12
Signed T McG.
Review of
How to Read. By Ezra Pound. Vol I. No.2.April 1932. pp.45-48.
TCD MS 8001/12
The New Statesman and Nation
The New Statesman and Nation
Place of Publication: London
Review of
Unrecorded Histories. By Charles Ricketts. 13 January 1934. p.56.
TCD MS 8015/36
Review of
Modern States Series: Italy. By R. Sencourt. 26 November 1938. p.890.
(TCD MS 8015/51
Review of
In the Steps of St. Francis. By Ernest Raymond. 14 January 1939. p.68.
TCD MS 8015/52(Annot)
Review of
Héloïse: A Biography. By Enid McLeod. 21 January 1939. p.102.
TCD MS 8015/53; 8009/9
Review of
Ruskin the Painter. By J. Howard Whitehouse. 25 February 1939. p.302.
TCD MS 8015/55; 8009/6
The Observer
The Observer
Place of Publication: London:
The Pictures Napoleon Brought Back. [letter to the editor] 9 June 1935. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/43
Italian Art Problems. [letter to the editor] 13 October 1935. p.15.
TCD MS 8015/44
Old Ireland
Old Ireland
Place of Publication: Dublin:
Partition.A review of
Bedfellows. by George Shiels. 15 January 1921. p30.
TCD MS 8011/1; 8064
Signed T.G.M.
A Paris Art Theatre. M Capeau and Le Theatre de Vieux Colombier. 5 Febuary 1921. p70. Continued 19 February 1921. p.90-91.
TCD MS 8011/2 (Annot)
The Legacy of Terence McSwiney. Review of
The Revolutionist. by Terence McSwiney. 26 March 1921. p152.
TCD MS 8011/4(Annot)
Signed T.McG.
Sir Hugh Lane and his Biographer. Review of
The Life of Sir Hugh Lane. by Lady Gregory. 23 April 1921. p200.
Where it Listeth. for M.M. 7 May 1921. p226 TCD MS 8064; 8055/4/1-3
The Universities and Art. 2 July 1921. p320.
Signed T.McG.
Our National Gallery: A Layman's Ideas. In five parts: Part 1: 16 July 1921. p344-45.
TCD MS 8011/6-8 (Annot) Part II: 23 July 1921. p354-55.
TCD MS 8011/9-10(Annot) Part III: 13 August 1921. p392.
TCD MS 8011/11-12(Annot) Part IV: 20 August 1921. p404.
TCD MS 8011/13-14 (Annot) Part V: 10 September 1921. p440-41.
TCD MS 8011/15-18 (Annot)
Signed T.McG.
Art and Nationality: The Example of Holland. Paraphrased from Fromentin's
Les Maitres d'Autrefois.. In two parts. Part I: 8 October 1921.
p487-88. TCD MS 8011/19 (Annot) Part II: 15 October 1921. p499.
TCD MS 8011/20(Annot)
Signed T.McG.

Reviews . Review of
The King's Threshold . by WB Yeats, and
The Saloon. by Henry James. 26 November 1921. p570-71.
TCD MS 8011/21-22(Annot)
Signed T.McG.

A Literary Gent. Review of
Aftermath. by T.C. Murray. 21 January 1922. p105.
TCD MS 8011/23 (Annot)
Signed T. McGreevy.

Aftermath: Mr Lennox Robinson's New Play. Review of
The Round Table. by Lennox Robinson. 11 February 1922. p150-51.
TCD MS 8011/24-5(Annot)
Signed T.McG.
Art and Morality: The Drama League's Excursion to America. Review of
Diff'rent. by Eugene O'Neill. 1 April 1922. p270.
TCD MS 8011/26(Annot)
Signed T.McG.

Place of Publication: Dublin:
The Irish Times
Should These Monuments be Removed? The Case for Them and the Case Against. 19 November 1955. p.8.
TCD MS 8015/46
Prisme des Arts
Prisme des Arts
Place of Publication: Paris
Editions d'art et industrie
L'Art Contemporain en Irlande. No.18. December 1958. pp.29-32.
TCD MS 8015/147
Puck Fare
Puck Fare
Place of Publication: Dublin:
WAAMA (Writers, Actors, Artists, Musicians Association)
Art in the Mart. Christmas 1943. p.27.
TCD MS 8015/270
Revue Anglo-Américaine
Revue Anglo-Américaine
Place of Publication: Paris
Les Presses Universitaires de France
Mr WB Yeats as a Dramatist. October 1929. pp19-36.
TCD MS 8015/195-203; 8000/1
Place of Publication: Dublin:
The Irish Jesuits
Developments in the Arts.Vol.40, No.16. December 1951. pp.475-78.
TCD MS 8015/208-9
The Studio
The Studio
Place of Publication: London:
The Studio
Introductory Essay
Exhibitions: London.Vol.115, No.538. January 1938. pp.30-33.
Includes: Philip de László, Jacob Epstein.
Exhibitions: London.Vol.115, No.539. February 1938. pp.97-100.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Includes: The Decline of Portraiture; Degas.
Christopher Wood: An Appreciation.Vol.115, No.540. March 1938. pp.148-51.
Exhibitions: London.Vol.115, No.540. March 1938. pp.155-57.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Includes: Cézanne's water-colours; Wyndham Lewis.
Exhibition: London, Natural Painting verses Pseudo-Art.Vol.115, No.541. April 1938. pp.220-23.
Includes: Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers; Margaret Benecke; Charles Shannon.
Exhibition: London: French Sunday Painters.Vol.115, No.542. May 1938. pp.276-78.
Includes: Richard Sickert; Old London; Wassily Kandinsky; Hans Feibusch; English and French paintings; National Society; Morland
Lewis; Francis Tailleux; John Copley and Ethel Gabain; Daryl Lindsay; Society of Wood-Engravers.
Pictures By the Masters: The National Gallery's Giorgionesque Panels.Vol.115, No.543. June 1938. pp.336.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Exhibitions: London, English Painting in Cross Section.Vol.115, No.543. June 1938. pp.339-42.
Includes short notices on: Oscar and Pinder; JM Hanson; Cedric Morris; Amadeo Modigliani; Stephen Bone; Neville Lytton; RWS
Society's Galleries; Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
Pictures by the Masters: Marriage Chest Painted by an Unknown Florentine.Vol.115, No.544. July 1938. pp.42-43.
Signed T. McGreevy.
The London Season.Vol.115, No.544. July 1938. pp.59-65.
Includes short notices on: The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition; Mechanisms in Art; Roumanian National Exhibition; Contemporary
Sculpture; Philip Connard; Jean Gabriel Doumergue; Desmond Harmsworth; Oskar Barblan.
Artists of Tomorrow: The Annual Exhibition of Students' Work at the Westminster School of Art.Vol.116, No.545. August 1938. pp.110-11.
Signed T. McG.
Pictures by the Masters: Philip IV of Spain [by] Peter Paul Rubens.Vol.116, No.545. August 1938. p.112.
Signed T.McGreevy.
Exhibitions: American Art and Art Criticism.Vol.116, No.545. August 1938. pp.115-21.
Includes short notices on: Contemporary American Painting; August John; Paul Nash; John R Merton; other exhibitions.
Exhibitions: London — Rouault and the Middle Ages Spirit.Vol.116, No.546. September 1938. pp.167-70.
Includes short notices on: Society of Women Artists; United Society of Artists; Dublin Painters; Arthur Forbes Dalrymple;
A.S. Hartrick; Paul Delvaux; Pavel Tchelitchew; other exhibitions.
Pictures by the Masters:
Les petits près au Printemps: Alfred Sisley (1840-1899).Vol.116, No.546. September 1938. pp.181, 197.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Exhibitions: The Comedy Spirit.Vol.116, No.547. October 1938. pp.216-18.
Includes short notices on: Students from the Royal College of Art; Edward Lear; British-born artists of the seventeenth century;
Lucy Kemp-Welch; Edward Wolfe; Yves Tanguy; other exhibitions.
Pictures by the Masters: The Supper at Emmaus: Vermeer of Delft.Vol.116, No.548. November 1938. pp.256-57.
Signed T. McGreevy.
Exhibitions: Picasso's Guernica
.Vol.116, No.548. November 1938. pp.310-14.
Also includes short notices on: This England; Sir William Rothenstein; Ethelbert White; Army Officers' Art Society; GH Sail;
other exhibitions.
Pictures by the Masters:
The Dipping Well [by] Morland. Vol.116, No.549. December 1938. pp.288-89.
Signed T. McGreevy.

Exhibitions: Representation or Imagination? .Vol.116, No.549. December 1938. pp.264-65.
This was written in response to book review By Kenelm Foss in
The Observer in which MacGreevy makes the distinction between 'the pure or the abstract imagination'.
London: Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.550. January 1939. pp.33-35.
Includes short notices: Some Women Artists; Short Notices: Royal Institute of Oil Painters; Dora Gordine; Fine Art Society;
Children's Collages; Old Masters; Adrian Bury; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.551. February 1939. p.p78-79,87.
Includes a lengthy review of The London Group; Short Notices of: La Flèche d'Or; Beatrice Bland; R.I. Galleries; Small Pictures
of To-Day; Great Masters of the 14-15th Century.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.552. March 1939. pp.126-28.
Short Notices on: South London Group; PH Padwick; John Armstrong; Allan Gwynne-Jones; Plato Chan; other exhibitions.
Ignacio Zuloaga: Painter of the 'Pittoresque'.Vol.117, No.552. March 1939. pp.112-13.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.553. April 1939. pp174-76.
Includes short notices on: Matthew Smith; Pictures for Collectors of Contemporary British Painting; Three Scottish Painters;
Unprofessional Painters; GW Pailthorpe and R Mednikoff; John Nash; other exhibitions.
C.R.W. Nevinson.Vol.117, No.554. May 1939. pp.193-95.
Signed T. McGreevy.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.554. May 1939. pp.223-25.
Includes short notices on: Picasso; National Society; Mary Potter; Augus John, JD Innes, Derwent Lees; Ben Nicholson; Gilbert
Spencer; Modern Masters; Eric O'Dea; Albert Marquet; Chiang Yee; Paraphrases; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.117, No.555. June 1939. pp270-72.
Includes shorter notices on: Spring Exhibition; Ethel Walker; Georges Rouault; Arthur Szyk; Group Exhibition; Vincent Mulet;
other exhibitions.
New Paintings by Dame Laura Knight.Vol.117, No.555. June 1939. pp.254-57.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.118, No.556. July 1939. pp.30-33.
Includes shorter notices on: Cézanne; Monet; Dunoyer de Segonzac; Elliott Seabrooke; Power O'Malley, other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.118, No.557. August 1939. pp.76-78.
Includes shorter notices on: Mark Gertler; Jacob Epstein; Latvian Art; Polish Art; Osterley Park; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.18, No.558. September 1939. pp.125-27.
TCD MS 8015/260-269
Includes shorter notices on: Entente Cordiale; Young English Painters; Grace Henry; Society of Women Artists; Celine Emilian;
Doris Zinkeisen, other exhibitions.
Spanish Masterpieces: A selection based on the exhibition of paintings from the Prado at Geneva.Vol.18, No.558. September 1939. pp.90-107.
TCD MS 8015/260-69; 8005/9
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.118, No.559. October 1939. pp.176-78.
TCD MS 8005/8
Includes reviews of various group shows
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.118, No.560. November 1939. pp218-19.
Commentary on the last season before the 1914 war; commentary on the 1939 season; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.118, No.561.December 1939. pp.256-58.
Includes short notices on: British and French Art; R.O. Dunlop; Royal Institute of Oil Painters; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.562. January 1940. pp.25-26.
Includes shorter notices on: East End Academy; New English Art Club; Contemporary Art Society and modern British Artists;
other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.563. February 1940. pp.62-64.
Includes shorter notices on: The portrait painter's problem; Little pictures By contemporary artists; Susan Palmer; Vivien
John; Fine Art society; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.564. March 1940. pp.100-102.
Includes shorter notices on: United Artist's Exhibition; Masterpieces of Painting; Plato and Christina Chan; David Jones;
G Drummond Fish; Malcolm Salaman
William Coldstream: Draughtsman in Paint.Vol.119, No.564. March 1940. pp.94-95.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.565. April 1940. pp.145-47.
Includes shorter notices on: Artists International Association; Henry Cornell; Rodrigo Moynihan; The Pastel Society; Painters
of Women and Women painters; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.566. May 1940. pp.184-86.
Includes shorter notices on: Peter Jones; John Piper and Henry Lamb; Royal Institute Galleries; British shipping and naval
engagements; Cedric Morris; Ethel Walker; Sickert; other exhibitions.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.119, No.567. June 1940. pp.214-16.
Includes shorter notices on: Old Masters; Montague Shearman Collection; Personality in Abstraction.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.120, No.568. July 1940. pp.22-24.
Includes shorter notices on: Oliver Hall; Early English water-colours and drawings; Graham Sutherland; Water Goetz; Sine Mackinnon.
The Royal Academy: 1940.Vol.120, No.568. July 1940. p.2-7.
London: Commentary By Thomas MacGreevy.Vol.120, No.571. October 1940. pp.136-41.
TCD MS 8005/5-6
Includes shorter notices on: Art produced during the war; Derain; Rouault; Surrealist Group in England; Contemporary Art at
Hertford House; Young talents.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.120, No.573. December 1940. pp.202-203.
TCD MS 8005/7
Includes shorter notices on: Michaelangelo; Art in Bombardment; The Artists' International Society.
Eric Gill: An Appreciation.Vol.121, No.574. January 1941. pp.2-9.
In the World's Art Centres: London, Commentary By Thomas McGreevy.Vol.121, No.574. January 1941. pp.26-27.
Includes shorter notices on: Art during the war: Commentary on exhibitions mounted in various galleries.
Art in Britain and America, London.Vol.212, No.575. February 1941. p.59.
Includes commentary on art since the Blitzkrieg began; Meditation on war from a historical point of view.
Sunday Independent
Sunday Independent
Place of Publication: Dublin
Independent Newspapers
Ways to Approach the French Exhibit. 11 May 1947. p.5.

Brilliant Yeats Exhibit. 5 October 1947. p.2.
TCD 8015/136
Has Become A Master in Her Own Right: Evie Hone Exhibition. 19 October 1947 p.2.
TCD 8015/137
Signed T. MacG.
The Sunday Times
The Sunday Times
Place of Publication: London
Review of The Tragedy of King Lear. by James H Bramsom. 15 April 1934. p.11.
TCD MS 8015/37
Review of The Influence of Flaubert on George Moore. by Walter D Ferguson. 17 June 1934. p.13.
TCD MS 8015/39; TCD MS 8009/2
Review of Rousseau and the Modern State. by Alfred Cobban. 9 September 1934. p.9.
TCD MS 8015/40
Review of Ah Wilderness!. and Days Without End. by Eugene O'Neil 20 January 1935. p.13.

Valazquez and Bassano.[letter to the editor] 19 September 1937 p.16.
TCD MS 8015/50

TCD: A College Miscellany
TCD: A College Miscellany
Place of Publication: Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
Encounter. 2 Dec 1920 p.48-49. TCD MS 8055/6 Octavius Ramsden
The Beecham Orchestral Concert. 26 Feb 1920. p.75.
TCD MS 8015/1
Letter to the Editor of TCD: A College Miscellany. 20 May 1920. p.125.
TCD MS 8015/2
Minor Ninth.
Letter regarding a review of a concert including work by Scriabin.
Letter to the Editor of TCD: A College Miscellany. 27 May 1920. p.135-36.
TCD MS 8015/3
Letter regarding the formation of the Irish Musical League.
Time and Tide
Time and Tide
Place of Publication: London
Time and Tide
Review of
The Fires of Beltane. By Geraldine Cummins. 12 September 1936. p.1260
TCD MS 8015/46
The Times Literary Supplement
The Times Literary Supplement.
Place of Publication: London
The Times
Review of
The Bright Islands. By Padraic Colum. 18 March 1926. p.208.
TCD MS 8015/20; TLS/SB/CMC
Review of
The Cattledrive in Connaught and Other Poems. By Austin Clarke. 8 April 1926. p.260.
(TCD MS 8015/21; TLS/SB/CMC)
Review of
Dance Drama: Experiments in the Art of the Theatre. By Terence Gray. 8 April 1926. pp.265-66.
TCD MS 8009/25; 8015/22; TLS/SB/CMC
Review of
Louis Barye By Charles Saunier. Translated by Wilfrid S Jackson. 8 April 1926. p.265.
TCD MS 8009/27; TLS/CMC
Review of
Saint Anthony of Padua According to His Contemporaries. By Ernest Gilliat-Smith. 8 July 1926. p.462
Review of
Corot By Mark LaFargue. Translated by Lindsay Wellington. 15 July 1926. p.481.
Review of
Hours in the Wallace Collection. By Philip Hendy. 19 August 1926. p.550.
TCD MS8015/23; TLS/CMC
Review of
Thomas Becket. By William Holden Hutton. 16 September 1926. p.607.
TCD MS 8015/27; 8009/32; TLS/CMC
Review of
Saint Francis: An Historical Drama. By Father Cuthbert. 30 September 1926. p.656.
TCD MS 8009/31; TLS/CMC
Review of
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 11 November 1926. pp.798-89.
TCD MS 8015/24-5; 8009/26; TLS/CMC
Review of
The Dublin Review Vol CLXXIX No 239. 11 November 1926. p.802.
Review of
Rodin. By Léonce Bénédit. Translated by Wilfrid Jackson. 2 December 1926. p.889.
TCD MS 8015/26; 8009/24; TLS/SB/CMC
Review of
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review. Vol XV. No.60. December 1926. 20 January 1927. p.46.
TCD MS 8015/28; TLS/SB/CMC
James Joyce. [letter to the editor] 25 January 1941. pp.43,45.
Place of Publication: Paris
Introductory Essay
A Note on Work In Progress. No.14. Fall 1928. pp.216-19. This article was republished in
Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress..
School of...Easter Saturday Night. No.18. November 1929. p114. Reprinted as
Crón Trath na nDéithe. in
Gloria de Carlos V. No.18. November 1929. p.119.
For an Irish Book, 1929. No.18. November 1929. p.119.
Homage to James Joyce: James Joyce at the Half Century.No.21. March 1932. pp.254-55.
Elsa. No.21. March 1932. p.180. Reprinted as
Gioconda. in
Treason of St Laurence O'Toole. No.21. March 1932. pp.178-79. Reprinted as
Homage to Hieronymus Bosch. in Poems.
University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies
University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies
Place of Publication: Dublin
Irish University Press
Artistic Relations Between France and Ireland. Vol.II. No.8. 1960. pp.3-7. Previously read at the Twelfth International Congress on the History of Art at the Sorbonne.
WB Yeats: A Generation Later. Vol. III. No.8. 1966. pp.3-14.
TCD MS 8000/4; 8000/4a,b
Articles About MacGreevy
Brazeau, Peter.
'The Irish Connection: Wallace Stevens and Thomas McGreevy'
The Southern Review Vol.17, No.3. Summer 1981. pp.533-541.
Coolihan, John.
'Thomas MacGreevy: The Man and His Work'
The Listowel Literary Phenomenon Connemara: Cló lar-Chonnachta, 1994. pp.60-82.
Cronin, Anthony.
'Modernism not Triumphant'
Heritage Now: Irish Literature in the English Language Dingle: Brandon Books, 1982. pp.166-160.
Davis, Alex.
'Irish Poetic Modernisms: A Reappraisal'
Critical Survey Vol.8, No.2. 1996. pp.186-197.
Dawe, Gerald .
'The Rest is Silence: MacGreevy, Devlin & Coffey'
False Faces: Poetry, Politics & Place Dublin: Langan Press, 1994. pp.23-33.
Dawson, Hugh J .
'Thomas MacGreevy and Joyce'
James Joyce Quarterly Vol.25, No.3. Spring 1988. pp305-321.
Egan, Joan Mary.
'Thomas McGreevy and Wallace Stevens: A Correspondence'
The Wallace Stevens Journal Vol.18, No.2. Fall 1994. pp.123-145.
Jenkins, Lee.
'Thomas McGreevy and the Pressure of Reality'
The Wallace Stevens Journal Vol.18, No.2. Fall 1994. pp.157-169.
Jenkins, Lee.
'Minor Poet among the Major Players?'
The Irish Review Vol.19. Spring/Summer 1996. pp.113-120.
Kennedy, Seán.
''The Artist Who Stakes His Being Is from Nowhere': Beckett and Thomas MacGreevy on the Art of Jack B. Yeats'
Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui 2004. pp.61-74.
Kennedy, Seán.
'Beckett Reviewing MacGreevy: A Reconsideration'
The Irish University Review September 2005. pp. 273-288.
Lloyd, David.
'Republics of Difference: Yeats, MacGreevy, Beckett'
Field Day Review. 2005. pp.42–66
Mays, JCC.
'How is MacGreevy a Modernist?'
Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the 1930s Edited by Patricia Coughlan and Alec Davis. Cork: Cork University Press, 1995. pp.103-128.
Mays, JCC.
'MacGreevy's Tarbert Poem'
Unpublished lecture given at The First Annual Thomas MacGreevy Weekend Seminar. 29-30 October 1999. Tarbert, Co, Kerry.
Ó Murchadha, Domhnall.
'Remembering Thomas MacGreevy'
The Irish Times 5 May 1983. p.10.
Purser, John.
' Voices of the Past: Jack Yeats and Thomas MacGreevy in Conversation'
Yeats Annual No.11. 1995. pp.87-104.
Schreibman, Susan.
'A Brief View of the Poems of Thomas MacGreevy'
Studies Vol. 75 No. 299. Autumn 1986. pp.328-33.
Mhac an tSaoi, Máire and Susan Schreibman.
'Máire Mhac an tSaoi and Susan Schreibman on Thomas MacGreevy'
Poetry Ireland No. 32. Summer 1991. pp.73-83.
Schreibman, Susan.
'The Penman and His Bleaters'
In Principle, Beckett is Joyce Edited by Friedhelm Rathjen. Edinburgh: Split Pea Press, 1994. pp.1-19.
Schreibman, Susan.
'Thomas MacGreevy, An Irishman; Richard Aldington, An Englishman'
Richard Aldington: Essays in Honour of the Centenary of his Birth Edited by A Blayac and C Zilboorg. Montpellier: Université Paul Valéry, 1994. pp.113-27.
Schreibman, Susan.
'The Unpublished Poems of Thomas MacGreevy; An Exploration'
Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the 1930s Edited by Patricia Coughlan and Alec Davis Cork: Cork University Press, 1995. pp.129-49.
Schreibman, Susan.
''When we come back from first death' Thomas MacGreevy and the Great War'
Stand To No. 42. January 1995. pp.15-18.
Schreibman, Susan.
''Writer of the Month'
Local Ireland Originally published at [http://www.local.ie/content/741.shtml], but no longer available.
Smith, Stan.
'From a Great Distance: Thomas MacGreevy's Frames of Reference'
The Lace Curtain No.6. Autumn 1978. pp.47-55.
Reviews of
Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Place of Publication: Dublin
New Writers' Press
Brian Coffey .
'Thomas MacGreevy: A Singularly Perfect Poet '
Hibernia Review of Books 4 February 1972. p.10.
Monk Gibbon.
' Single Words, Staccato Phrases'
Irish Independent 9 October 1971. p.10.
Michael Hartnett.
'Not a Total Poet'
Irish Times 20 November 1971. p.10.
John Jordan.
'Collector's Poet'
Irish Press 13 November 1971. p.12.
Reviews of
Collected Poems of Thomas MacGreevy: An Annotated Edition
Collected Poems of Thomas MacGreevy: An Annotated Edition
Place of Publication: DublinWashington DC
Anna Livia PressCatholic University of America Press
Mary Campbell.
Books Ireland No.208. October 1991. p.202.
Gerald Dawe.
'The Rest is Silence'
Irish Times 8 June 1991. p.8.
Peter Denman.
'Silence Not Unusual'
Poetry Ireland No.33. Winter 1991. p.113-115.
Augustine Martin .
'MacGreevy in the Best Modern Way'
Irish Literary Supplement Vol.10, No.2. Fall 1991. p.26.