Your search yielded 7 letters:
Letter from Ernie O'Malley to Thomas MacGreevy. 6 March 1939
Abstract Invites MacGreevy for the Easter holidays; mentions that MacGreevy had not answered his previous letter; his life at Burrishoole.
Keywords Social Life, Art
Letter from Ernie O'Malley to Thomas MacGreevy. 05 April 1939
Abstract O'Malley writing from Dublin; awaiting letter from MacGreevy; encloses fare so MacGreevy can visit them in Mayo; recounts visit with with Jack Yeats.
Keywords Domestic Life, Social Life
Letter from Ernie O'Malley to Thomas MacGreevy. 01 May 1939
Abstract How O'Malley injured his hand sailing on Easter Sunday; recounts a trip to Dublin where he purchased Jack B Yeats's painting Death for Only One; the Cezanne exhibition in London; suggests that MacGreevy approach his publisher Houghton Mifflin regarding MacGreevy's monograph on Jack Yeats; his translation of Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet; the war in Europe; Helen's operation.
Keywords Domestic Life, Travel, Career and Finances, Social Life, Politics and Government, Music
Letter from Ernie O'Malley to Thomas MacGreevy. 27 June 1939
Abstract O'Malley asks MacGreevy advice about preserving paintings; reading State papers; no word from Houghton Mifflin regarding MacGreevy's monograph on Jack B Yeats; other possible books on Yeats's art; continues letter on 2 July; mentions biography of W.B. Yeats by Joseph Hone and memoirs by Lennox Robinson; visit by Sean O'Faolain (who is writing a guide book to Ireland); discussion of a publication to carry on the work of The New Statesman; the necessity of the farm being self sufficient in case of war.
Keywords Art, Career and Finances, Domestic Life, Politics and Government, Irish Culture
Letter from Ernie O'Malley to Thomas MacGreevy. 31 January 1940
Abstract Problems in writing due to a hand injury; wonders how MacGreevy is faring in London; evenings spent with Jack Yeats; asked Seamus O'Sullivan if a bibliography on Yeats's book illustrations could be published in the Dublin Magazine; reading Balzac; comments on his themes of love and revenge; lists artists recently featured in a Dublin exhibition; writes of the recent work and exhibitions of Norah McGuinness, Jack Yeats, Mainie Jellett, Nano Reid; stopped his translation of Rilke; worries about the escalating World War.
Keywords Social Life, Literature, Art, Career and Finances, Domestic Life, Politics and Government
Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to Ernie O'Malley. 9 February 1940
Abstract Asks if O'Malley received the information regarding preserving works of art; lack of news from Ireland; has re-read The Ambassadors as preparation for a book he is to write on the Louvre; speculates that Balzac may have been "Nazi by tendency"; possible reason for WB Yeats's enthusiasm for the author; the theme of revenge in Cousin Bette reminds him of Hitler's love for Germany; Air Raid Protection Services work at the National Gallery; his lecturing at the National Gallery cancelled; income reduced by half.
Keywords Domestic Life, Literature, Politics and Government, Career and Finances, Great War
Letter from Thomas MacGreevy to Ernie O'Malley. 17 February 1947
Abstract Note alerting O'Malley that Cottie Yeats is seriously ill; wishes O'Malley luck with his radio broadcast.
Keywords Social Life